I like the CLF comprehensive approach to limiting polluting facilities beyond only considering fossil fuels, but some of the industries noted, including the distribution of the fossil fuels people still need to drive, heat, have to go somewhere, and need to be tightly regulated wherever they go.

I wish we stopped talking about "clean energy" - no such thing when considering all aspects - siting, manufacture, maintenance, transmission, disposal... Those seeing so many acres of woodlands converted to solar industrial sites, killing most of what lived there, know that all too well. I think "clean energy" talk can get in the way of the need to reduce energy demand - even as renewable energy has grown, demand has grown even faster.

Finally, I thank Randall for working successfully to have the Council keep the Comp Plan from supporting an foolish and expensive move of the bus hub out of KP. However, there are reports that RIDOT Director Alviti, in tight with the politicos who run RI despite the bridge fiasco, has said that Council action can be ignored

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I hope everyone comes out to testify next week. Not sure if i wll be asble to testfy again. My focus has continues to be on economic development and how crirtical it is for economic development to be focused on developing the economy in the lower income neighborhoods of the city and on a very rapid phase out of fossil fuels, replacing them with clean power in all phases of the economy, partly as it will also reduce air polition and asthma. It makes economic sense to make the energy transition ASAP as otherwise the damage from heat waves and storms will overwhelm the economy.

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