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I think this is good news because we do need to shift from gas cars to electric cars, but it is also a bit of a misleading feel-good event. First, electric cars are beyond the price range of most in RI. Second, though they are "zero-emission" at the tailpipe, they do have a lot of impacts from mining for materials, manufacture and disposal of batteries, their demands on an already stressed electric grid, and as they are heavier than gas cars they cause more tire pollution, more wear and tear on the roads and bridges they do not help pay for, and are more dangerous to other road users. Third, state authorities are basically doing nothing else to reduce transportation climate emissions, they are indeed spending as fortune to expand expressway capacity (e.g. on 95, 295, 37, 146...) which means even more driving, more energy-inefficient sprawl and less potential for walking, biking, transit to play a role in addressing climate and other environmental issues

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