It is immensely important that Steve shows us how many of our community members are directly laying out the case of how evil the bigots are. The anti human variatioon activists really do want to kill kids. And create a fascist christian national autocracy. If you actually believed in democracy, if you believed in a world in which every human is encouraged to become their best self, we could have a much better planet to live than on then the one now mostly ruled ruled by violent patriarchs and religious extremists from the 19th centiury. Have you ever thought about how right wing ayatollahs in Iran and Christian nationalist ministers in the USA are the exact same type of sex police, andf want to use that as a wedge to commit other atrocities and crimes. Iran's economy used to be pretty good, unrtil the ayatollahs told women to stop working. Just like JD Vance. No wonder Republicans always crash the economy. They try to prevent folks becoming their best self and people contribute less when living under that regime.

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being from North Providence I'm sorry I didn't know about this to support our trans students and our supportive schools. I thank those that did.

By and large the support or trans rights from many in the various communities Steve has reported on is a tribute to RI's relative decency. It is not always the case elsewhere judging by an annoying Trump ad I saw on CNN attacking Harris for being supportive of trans people - they must think they are appealing to swing voters by doing this but I doubt that will work here

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