It is immensely important that Steve shows us how many of our community members are directly laying out the case of how evil the bigots are. The anti human variatioon activists really do want to kill kids. And create a fascist christian national autocracy. If you actually believed in democracy, if you believed in a world in which every human is encouraged to become their best self, we could have a much better planet to live than on then the one now mostly ruled ruled by violent patriarchs and religious extremists from the 19th centiury. Have you ever thought about how right wing ayatollahs in Iran and Christian nationalist ministers in the USA are the exact same type of sex police, andf want to use that as a wedge to commit other atrocities and crimes. Iran's economy used to be pretty good, unrtil the ayatollahs told women to stop working. Just like JD Vance. No wonder Republicans always crash the economy. They try to prevent folks becoming their best self and people contribute less when living under that regime.

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being from North Providence I'm sorry I didn't know about this to support our trans students and our supportive schools. I thank those that did.

By and large the support or trans rights from many in the various communities Steve has reported on is a tribute to RI's relative decency. It is not always the case elsewhere judging by an annoying Trump ad I saw on CNN attacking Harris for being supportive of trans people - they must think they are appealing to swing voters by doing this but I doubt that will work here

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One doesn't have to like someone but they do need a modicum of respect if they interact. Kids are kids - they will always find someone to pick on. They don't like your shoes, they aren't cool. It's usually petty stuff. I've done it and been the recipient of it as a kid.

Where do they learn this other stuff? As have most of us, we learn from the day we're born. That's where it starts. We don't realize how much kids absorb. If it's ok for mom/dad to use/say it, I can too. I was lucky to have parents who never distinguished a color, a religion. My dad was a Marine so outside of the house, I could swear with the best of them but never thought of using a slur.

We are all the same. We're humans. All of us have the same emotions - we laugh, cry, get angry, hurt. We may react differently, and some things might bother one person and not another.

In a classroom, everybody is there to learn. It's not a place to judge anyone. Some kids don't learn as quickly as others, not everybody is a straight A student. I wonder if this is a part of the 'everybody gets an award' thinking.

If someone is trans, gay, straight or whatever, how does that impact others? It doesn't. It's their life and they will live it the best they can. As do the rest of us, they have a choice on how they want to live. They want to live outside of the shadows that society has imposed. They want to pursue a career, buy a house, perhaps have a family just like others. Their feelings, wants, and needs are no different from ours.

I didn't grow up with 24/7 TV, social media, or cell phones. There are a couple of generations behind me that have. They don't question, don't look things up, only read a headline, not an article. They are being taken advantage of. I don't want to politicize but a perfect example is Trump. He is taking advantage of younger people. He lies, twist facts, he 'knows so much' (and really doesn't) that his word is gospel. He takes advantage of every opportunity to spew hatred and lies. Because he was President, they think he has infinite wisdom. He's human - there is nothing special about him. He has his own social media site, he speaks to the media before and after a court hearing, and at every chance he gets.

He hates everyone and everything. He hates America, Democrats, Catholics, Jews, Blacks, LGBTQ, the legal system and more.

We can't be like him. We have to accept people for who and what they are. Each one of us is special and unique. We must live to our own standards and beliefs. We need to stop stereotyping as it's now out of control.

The standards set forth by RIDE are equal and equitable. Parents need to step up, accept their kids as who they are, love them as they always have, and support their choices. They will grow into great people that you'll be proud of and will achieve so much. Just don't limit their growth. Let them fly free.

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