Christian nationalists have such a narrow view of humanity. The ideology is a direct descendant ((including actual descendents and well as intellectual) of the Southern plantions owners seeking to restrict democracy so they could expand slavery across the west. All power to white men of wealth and no one else. Transphobia almost exactly correlates with the willingness to destroy ecosystems for profit in the political mind of America. it is the idea of undoing regualtions that protect workers, the environmenbt , the pubic health or infrastructure because in the 1840's that wpuld have meant a black person could benefit from it and that was verboten. It says a commuity does not have the right to prevent the poisooning of the wells. My definition of democracy always includes the right of communities to legal redress to prevent destruction. And that is one of the first thing dictators always do. They do not want to see women in the streeets protesting the poisoning of their children by a buddy of the rich guys factory. So they are shot or arrested if they try. It is called Neoliberalism. and it seems ascendant thoguh cruising for a climate bruising.

America will finally be great if it comes to see that everyone must be encouraged to be their best self so that they can contribute from their best self to the commuity. We (humanity) seem to be going the wrong way in much of the world with justice and rights disappearing as fast as the forest and the storm clouds getting intensely more powerful. Tackling the climate catastrophe will take all of us. Anyone who insists that your best self is not allowed to help has completely lost sight of the American Dream, suppressed by years of lies by the rich.

Life is round.

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Amazing how they are outspoken here. But don't give a SHT about genocide in Gaza.

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while Amo and Magaziner are right to call this out, it should not even be an issue. The problem is Republican success with their attacks on the trans community, as well as relentless nasty attacks on immigrants, on journalists, on election officials, on political opponents especially if they are women such as Harris herself, all shows a difficult to face unpleasant aspect to a lot of the American electorate. Their success with such attacks suggests they will continue

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