I appreciated the description of the proposed budget and the problems therein. The solutions seemed sparse. Thanks to all who showed up and are trying though!!!
thank you Sam Bell, David Morales, you've done a fine service, not just for constituents, but with Steve's coverage, for all in RI. The budget, 270 pages, is complicated and maybe deliberately opaque, but you have made a lot of important points. I wish my North Prov legislators had such community meetings, as far as I know Senator Ruggerio has never had one here.
I see a point needing clarification: (I mainly follow transportation issues) It is not true that most of RIPTA's operations funding comes from the federal government. Traditionally the Feds only fund capital expenses (new buses, equipment, garage buildings etc) and operations were paid for by fares and some of the gas tax. With covid, the Federal govt supplied emergency funds that could be used for operations, but that is running out this year, we are back to dependence on state resources for (most) operational funding.
I have some thoughts about EV fees and the phaseout of the property tax on cars, but that's for another time
We really need a millioniares tax. Reducing inequality is one of the best ways to create a more prosperous RI. We also need to totally revamp the economic development process and how we subsidize businesses and offer tax breaks. We need to put into place the understanding of ecnomic development as a bottom up process and one that works best with full communjty involvement and includes healing ecosystems as a major underpinning of all efforts.
I appreciated the description of the proposed budget and the problems therein. The solutions seemed sparse. Thanks to all who showed up and are trying though!!!
thank you Sam Bell, David Morales, you've done a fine service, not just for constituents, but with Steve's coverage, for all in RI. The budget, 270 pages, is complicated and maybe deliberately opaque, but you have made a lot of important points. I wish my North Prov legislators had such community meetings, as far as I know Senator Ruggerio has never had one here.
I see a point needing clarification: (I mainly follow transportation issues) It is not true that most of RIPTA's operations funding comes from the federal government. Traditionally the Feds only fund capital expenses (new buses, equipment, garage buildings etc) and operations were paid for by fares and some of the gas tax. With covid, the Federal govt supplied emergency funds that could be used for operations, but that is running out this year, we are back to dependence on state resources for (most) operational funding.
I have some thoughts about EV fees and the phaseout of the property tax on cars, but that's for another time
We really need a millioniares tax. Reducing inequality is one of the best ways to create a more prosperous RI. We also need to totally revamp the economic development process and how we subsidize businesses and offer tax breaks. We need to put into place the understanding of ecnomic development as a bottom up process and one that works best with full communjty involvement and includes healing ecosystems as a major underpinning of all efforts.