"The secularists (supporters of euthanasia, gay marriage, unfettered abortions, destroying the idea of Christmas, the legalization of illegal drugs, atheists...) want to deconstruct our nation..."
I'm sorry but wasn't it a certain amazing journalist that reminded us that freedom of religion and from religion is literally a part of our state's constitution????
No thank you. So we’re all going to contact Mayor Smiley’s office and voice our concerns… right??? Right! mayor@providenceri.gov / (401) 680-5000
Email sent
Treaty of Tripoli:
Art. 11. As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion;
Christians need to stop with their lies about this country being a 'Christian nation'. It's not and has never been.
Whoa, Nellie‼️ Christian Nationalism is as dangerous as any other form of extremism and possibly even more so.
Furthermore, our state was founded upon principles of religious freedom and separation of church and state. Thank you, Roger Williams!
I'm sorry but wasn't it a certain amazing journalist that reminded us that freedom of religion and from religion is literally a part of our state's constitution????
It was this type of thinking that caused the demise of New College in Sarasota, Florida.