Most days lately, I'm pretty convinced our elected officials are committed to preventing us from having a future at all.

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They will happily trade our future, and the future of our children, for wealth and power now.

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Why should they care, after all? It's not like most of their constituents are holding them accountable for their parts in ecocide, genocide, and climate collapse. At least, you know, not the constituents they care about who have the money to purchase their consideration.

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AS I pointed out in an a response to stuff int he Boston Globe banning new gas stations in providence means maybe we shall 1 or 2 less gas stations in the next 10 years at a time when there are no lines for gas anywhere in the city and the use of gasoline is going to evaporate as people move away from gas powered cars, The mayor is consorting with criminals on this one and needs to pay attention to someone other than rich criminals . The city willNEVER need another gas station and the mayor seems too stupid to figure that out and too enthralled by the rich.

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Just when I was at the point where I was proud to live here where environmental justice and public health is important, and I was so very proud of our City Council (I still am), and feeling like my time spent at various meetings was worthwhile, this happens. I am trying

very hard not to feel like our clean, green, healthy future is in the hands of two-faced, slimey, rich white men.

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