Steve- thank you for your consistent determination to report the facts and shine a light on the actions and practices of the Smiley administration relative to their cruel treatment of people without housing. Keep making it hard to turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to our neighbors.

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Increasingly even more dystopian by the day. The criminalization of poverty is the fuel of the collapse of a civilized society.

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I don’t want to like this, but you are so right.

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This is so incredibly inhumane! Thank you for keeping this issue in front of the public. Given what you have written about how secretive these encampments are, it is hard to believe anyone is being bothered by their presence. It would be nice if the attention that is being paid toward these unfortunate people, was spent working on solutions to the problem of being unhoused!

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excellent reporting Steve, on a subject most are willing to ignore even though people are sufferring.

I can understand that neighbors and abutters of the encampments can be upset, they have little way to know what can go on there, but I don't understand the city and state's inability to find a decent solution, even if temporary. We have a $1.4 bllion state budget, surely there coud be resources to do better

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