I can understand rejection of Zionism by Palestinians, but not from the Jewish groups. I think I am a Zionist because I not only favor an Israeli state alongside a Palestinian state, but also because I think it is the only plausible way people there can live in peace. I interpret anti-Zionism as saying Jews have no right to live in the Middle East - all the Arab nations (except Morocco, very different) virtually eliminated their entire Jewish populations, (refugees from that expulsion and their descendants are about 1/2 of Israel's Jewish population and can hardly return to Yemen, Syria, Egypt etc) and it seems they have the same intent in Palestine. That in effect is not only in the Hamas charter, but all Jews were expelled from Jerusalem, Hebron etc in the 1948-67 period when under Arab control, Jewish sites trashed, even in the historic center of Jerusalem. To this day, Jews are not allowed to live in Palestine where under PA or Hamas control.

Trashing Zionism" seems to me a recipe for not only losing support from an overwhelming majority of Jews, but also in the more general population that would not be supportive of eliminating Israel and its Jewish inhabitants.

It would be far, far more useful for activists to press both Hamas and Israel to accept the UN-backed cease-fire plan that calls for a fist stage 6 week ceasefire, return of some hostages, and much more aid for Gaza.

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I have not been at any rallies on these issues, too busy workig on other issues, but I am proud to say I support JVP - RI's postion on divestment. I helped during the anti apartheid campaign for diverstment from South Africa, and this is a most appropriate response to Israeli occupation, annexation, Bantustans, and the obliteration of cities.

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