The last thing this state needs is a climate change denier. If taught properly, no child needs to be alarmed by this. Just educated on the changes we will see and how to adapt as we try to mitigate

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I wondered if Ms. Wolf's statements were written by a Heritage-like national group.

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Clearly the Republican candidate flunked HS physics and shows a complete lack of understanidng of anything. I always want to ask clowns like this to explain what is wrong with the science and I guarantee none of them can answer since they do not know the science only what they learned on newsmax.

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Thanks for the footnote about the polar bear population, Steve. This is straight out of Nightmare on Elm street! We cannot possibly deal with another P Morgan type at the statehouse.

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I continue to be amazed (or should I?). Another who lives in denial. There are times when it's good to go backwards in our minds. When I was a kid, my grandmother had an old trailer at Matunuck - no toilet, an icebox and 4 to a bed. More than that and you slept in the car. I wish I could find a certain picture to post. My cousins and I were sitting on the beach. Yes - there was a huge beach with so much room, we'd burn our feet before we set up for the day. Now the Ocean Mist is hanging over what is left of the beach. If I ride around the State, there are now evacuation signs where none existed. The Governor is now encouraging people to get flood insurance. R.I. has 400 miles of coastline. Our summer are hotter. I lived in Fla. from 2003-2007. I know what a 115 feel-like temperature is and now we're having them. I rent but there's a pond in back. Every summer, there's an algae bloom. This summer, the swans left first, then the ducks, and finally the geese. It's too toxic for them. There are plants, bugs, birds, and animals that are nearly extinct in the Northeast. Now it's Lantern bugs, plants that can only be grown in the tropics and more. Basic Science - the Earth is in constant change. We know about the Ice Age, dinosaurs and the like. They happened over a long period of time but as the Earth moved, the climate changed. None of this happens overnight. I'm not a scientist so can't pinpoint the change. However, it was the group called Hippies who saw change. It's my generation who said something is wrong. We started to recycle/reuse. We promoted ZPG (Zero Population Growth). Not all of us were in San Fran with flowers in our hair!! It took a long time to get here and it will take a long time to get out. I won't see it in my lifetime but I'll try and do better for the future.

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