Doing both, raising a fist and shouting halleluja, as suggested by Leonard Cohen, resonates with me! Thank you, Angela!

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Prosperity For RI

1/05/24 - 7:04AM

The politicians in RI speak with forked tongue. Lamenting poverty, but offering tax cuts and subsidies for the rich. The entire economic development apparatus in RI is geared to making rich criminals happy instead of creating jobs for the folks and neighborhoods that need them. Hike taxes on the rich, reinstate the car tax, raise the gas tax, fund RIPTA, and never give subsidies or tax breaks to Corporate America. All state economic development incentives should go to businesses started by low income people in low income neighborhoods. Maybe the best economic development effort would be clean air in the Port of Providence as asthma is a major economic drain on low income communities. End the use of fossil fuels as the folks hurt most by climate injustice are the poor. Build lots of truly affordable housing. And train neighborhood folks in low income neighborhoods to build it. Support urban agriculture and eliminate food waste going to the landfill

Subsidizing the medical industrial complex increases gentrification and makes health care unaffordable. The list goes on and on. And no one in legislative leadership or the governor's office has a clue.

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Thank you for this. I couldn’t make it there today

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