Regarding Ms. Cano's education policy and track record, I'm disappointed that her advocacy of charter schools did not come up in the interview. It might be that Cano was naive at the time, but she propagated for, advocated for, and led the campaign for public school privatization in the form of charter schools. The damage done nationwide (and beyond our borders) by the privatization movement to public education is causing teachers to leave their jobs, students to no longer learn to be critical thinkers, as charter school companies reap in the profits--paid for by the public taxes.

Everything else the Senator said in her interview sounded pretty good. Maybe too good to be true. If there is a second round interview, Steve, I, and others in public education, would like to see you hit her with a couple of tough educational policy/ideology questions. At the city and state level, Cano seems to have fallen in line with the proponents of charter schools and education management organizations (private companies), so my guess is she'll continue to stay in line at the federal level.

Thanks for the opportunity to speak out, Steve. Ralph Fortune, retired Providence Special Educator.

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I will be tracking the candidates as they engage in public forums. At some questions from the audience will be taken and maybe that’s a question people can raise.

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It's interesting that Sandra is presenting herself as a someone with the courage to speak up against the senate president. To be clear, she is backed strongly by members of Ruggerio's machine including Dawn Euer and the porckchoppers running the building trades. They've been bullying independent unions who favor Regunberg.

I've seen Sandra's lack of meaningful independence first-hand when she rubber-stamped Alviti as a member of the RI Senate Finance Committee. Despite a coalition of transit and urbanist groups coming out strongly against Alviti, she wouldn't even respond to our messages trying to get a conversation about the issue. And we all know what a death knell getting another 4 years of Peter Alviti is for Rhode Island's efforts to meet our Act on Climate goals.

I personally want a leader on climate issues and an independent voice representing Rhode Island in Congress - not another compromised tool of the Ruggerio political machine.

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The power of the Senate Oresident to keep Senators in line is a real issue. And I should have asked The Senator about that vote, but of course time is always an issue. That said, there should be numerous public forum opportunities in which to ask that question.

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thanks for this interesting interview. While she may be a decent candidate with a good background for the job, there seem to be lot of other such candidates running. I don't expect to agree on everything with anyone, in this case I disagree with her non-nuanced support for the Ukraine war and I agree with Christian in not liking her votes for Alviti. I've gotten lots of fundraising e-mails from several other decent candidates, but at this point I'm not spending my limited $$ for any of them to run against one another

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