The timing of this CRMC decision happens to coincide with my latest Substack post: "Corporations run America into the ground—Congress, supposedly the people's instrument of oversight, accepts no blame for its delinquency." (https://peternightingale.substack.com/p/corporations-run-america-into-the) Once again—what else is new?—it shows that government is as bad an actor as the fossil fuel industry. As I see it, government is worse because if fails in its duty to represent the people and protect their security. From FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) to CRMC, and a whole lot of bad actors in other branches of government, Greg Gerrit is correct: "You guys are criminals!"

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This decision and the court's dismissal of Green Oceans' action to stop South Coast Wind Farm's underwater cable definitively seal the fate of the Sakonnet River. As anyone who walks along Third Beach in Middletown can attest, it's already a toilet inundated with an invasive species of mollusks that has escaped scrutiny of the local press. (Oh! I forgot, there is no local media, no oversight. All complaints and civic issues are consigned to the memory hole.)

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