RAamondo is a tool of the corporates. No doubt. It does worry me that the young activist seems to be almost be ready to cut off their nose to spite their face by saying they might sit out the election even if it helps trump. Even if Biden does lews than he should Trump will kill everyone and the planet if given half a chance.
Former RI Governor Gina Raimondo gets an "honorable" mention in this report.
Indeed, as long as I remember, our former governor was on the wrong side of the climate catastrophe issue:
1—The AIM Project: expanding the fracked gas pipeline from Pennsylvania going north via Burrillville, RI, to Weymouth MA and beyond,. i.e., the Maritimes in Canada. The pipeline was always intended to export LNG to the world market. It probably still is and the war in Ukraine only added to that prospect. See for instance this Joint Statement on the U.S.-Ukraine Strategic Partnership and in particular the section with the heading "Addressing the Impact of Nord Stream 2." That that pipeline no longer exists is pure coincidence; we all understand that!
2—Invenergy wanted to build a $1 billion power plant in Burrillville. Invenergy was welcomed by our former governor.
The former governor was in favor of the Transpacific Partnership. That plan no longer exists under that name, but I have no doubt that the basic concept is still current, as is isolating and boycotting China.
RAamondo is a tool of the corporates. No doubt. It does worry me that the young activist seems to be almost be ready to cut off their nose to spite their face by saying they might sit out the election even if it helps trump. Even if Biden does lews than he should Trump will kill everyone and the planet if given half a chance.
Lest anyone forgets the following.
Former RI Governor Gina Raimondo gets an "honorable" mention in this report.
Indeed, as long as I remember, our former governor was on the wrong side of the climate catastrophe issue:
1—The AIM Project: expanding the fracked gas pipeline from Pennsylvania going north via Burrillville, RI, to Weymouth MA and beyond,. i.e., the Maritimes in Canada. The pipeline was always intended to export LNG to the world market. It probably still is and the war in Ukraine only added to that prospect. See for instance this Joint Statement on the U.S.-Ukraine Strategic Partnership and in particular the section with the heading "Addressing the Impact of Nord Stream 2." That that pipeline no longer exists is pure coincidence; we all understand that!
2—Invenergy wanted to build a $1 billion power plant in Burrillville. Invenergy was welcomed by our former governor.
The former governor was in favor of the Transpacific Partnership. That plan no longer exists under that name, but I have no doubt that the basic concept is still current, as is isolating and boycotting China.
Never forget that all of what Raimondo did and wanted to do had the full support of Rhode Island's listing leader ship. It was duly rewarded. Exporting LNG to the world market is still high on the bipartisan list of priorities as is providing handouts to the US war economy and its racketeers. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2021/09/01/joint-statement-on-the-u-s-ukraine-strategic-partnership/