Thank you Richard SDtang and CLF for this letter pointing out that everything Save Morley Field has bewen saying is in accordance withthe law and that the City of Pawtucket is a crtiminal organization. Thank you Steve Ahlquist for continuing to follow this story. I too sernt a letter to Lauren Imgrnd and have been trying to call her. The NPS website gives a phone number, but when you callit it sends you back to the website. It is as if the NPS does not want to hear from the community.

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Thank you for covering this whole issue so thoroughly. I noticed that none of the other local news media--except NPR, which had an interview with a CLF official--mentioned either the CLF letter or the Audubon Society letter that notified the City that they had been misquoted. (In other words, the City lied about what the Audubon Society said.)

I am just afraid that this will drag on until Morley Field is in a state that is "too bad to budget remediation for."

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