I've been reading The Power Broker about Robert Moses, and it all sounds so familiar. Do what you decide is best. Lie.. Drag out the process until you have gone too far without permission. "Oh, but we can't put the egg back in the shell! We've done too much so far, all that money will be wasted." Lie again. Don't release relevant information. Make backroom deals. Morley Field, Tidewater Stadium, what else? I really hope the weight Audubon carries will make a difference here. My admiration to all the people who have worked so hard to save Morley.

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This reminds me of the saying "It is easier to ask forgiveness than permission." Thanks Jane, I will read The Power Broker about Robert Moses.

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Thank you so much ASRI and Charles Clarkson! Your letter is very much appreciated by those who have been working very hard to Save Morley Field!!

Your information is important, and gives validation and support to what many people have been saying about the ecological and environmental importance of Morley Field. Sadly, they have been ignored. Thank you again!

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This is a fantastic new development!! Save Morley Field!!

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